Thursday, December 07, 2000

On My Way To Relaxation...

Well, finally, I am sitting here, and my 2 papers are done (my angela's ashes paper and my creative writing manuscript) and as well, my art project. It's going to feel good tomorrow, handing everything in! Finally!! I can't wait. School, is ALMOST officially over. After tomorrow all I will have to deal with, is that dumb French exam that I have to take on Tuesday. But that I am not studying for. Well, i can't really study for it in the first place. How can you study for something when you don't know what the material is on? French is my second language. I've known French since Kindergarten. So.... all I have to do on my exam is read a text and answer questions. Then apparently I have to write a 100 word composition. How hard can that be? I hope not too hard!!! I need to get a decent mark in French. I need my average to stay up!! :) We find out marks next Friday. Apparently that's when they are going to be posted online. I wonder if I can call the phone grade line any earlier than that... I guess I will have to dig deep and find where I put my timetable book from this past semester. All the dates and times for things like that should be posted in there...

Tomorrow night I am going with my boyfriend to his work Christmas Party/Dinner. Should be fun. I have like 5 outfits I am deciding upon... I don't know what to wear... I am going over to my boyfriend's house after work, so that's the plan... I am also sleeping over 'chez lui' :) Should be fun. He's got cable modem as well, so I should be able to drop some entries online while staying at his house ;) Well I am off to blow dry my hair (yup, that's correct, just got out of a shower ;)

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