Friday, May 05, 2006

Just To Make Sure

There was no way, ME, of all people could wait a WHOLE week to do a another test. And since I had a second brand at home, I decided to test the first pee of the morning this morning, day 2 of knowing what's going on.

Two lines. Definitely pregnant! (I hope!) Why would two tests be wrong?

Jamie is excited, but doesnt want to get his hopes up. He's worried that he'll be disapointed incase something happens. I told him not to worry this morning, that I am taking VERY good care of myself, and I will get more sleep and take naps and we'll have a healthy baby. Yesterday I even started taking Folic Acid (Vitamins), but I already eat green leafy vegetables and whole grains, so I'm not that worried. I should have started taking the folic acid a month ago, but I just learned about it.
I've also started reading What to Expect While Expecting, which I've had for about a few months now. I just recently purchased What to Expect the First Year, for a really good price. Can never be too prepared! I'll keep the second book for later on in my pregnancy.
Wow. I can't believe I'm pregnant. I've been giddy for the last 24 hours I'd say. This morning when I saw the results on the First Reponse test (shown above), I literally jumped for joy, with Jamie. Seriously. I kid you not.
I think I'm going to tell just the parents next Sunday on Mother's Day. Haven't decided how I will tell them. I think Mother's Day is a good Day, right
Today, I had class this morning, it went by pretty fast and we were let out early today (first class - we went over a few things, then we got to go home). Now, I'm not really too sure what to do with myself. I probably should take a nap (even though I feel like I got enough sleep last night) and tonight I'm going to help my grandmother with something, and then watch Jamie's 9pm ball game. Softball season starts tonight.
And that's about it! I noticed my tulips are open in the front of my house, I think I'm going to photograph them today as well. I love spring! I'm in a very good mood lately!

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