Sunday, May 07, 2006

Stood Up

I just got in from visiting my parents. (Going to try to get to sleep earlier these days). My pregnant body is doing really weird things to me, and I'm finding myself really tired lately. The week before I left for Vegas, I was taking crazy naps for 2 hours here, 2 hours there, and it was great.

This morning I slept in until 11 am and then leisurely got up. I had something to eat, and then surfed the internet a little bit. After that, I made some phone calls, received some phone calls and made plans to have dinner at my parents house, without Jamie, as he has softball this evening.

As I was about to get into the shower, Jamie came inside and asked me to go to Reno or Rona and pick up a new wheel barrow. Was he kidding me? I was about to hop into the shower and pick up my grandmother. Then in the shower, (after I agreed to pick up my grandmother, go to Rona (as my grandmother needed something from there as well) and then come back, drop off the wheel barrow, then go to my parents house, I remembered that I had to show my apartment upstairs at 3pm.

So, after getting out of the shower, I picked up my grandmother, and went to Rona. Rona does not carry wheel barrows (and have not in a long time) but my grandmother got what she needed. Anyhow, we ran back to my place, as I had to show the apartment, I did not have enough time to go to Reno as well. I had time for 1 stop, and I chose Rona (closer, etc). Anyhow, the wheel barrow that Jamie was using, ended up lasting the rest of the job, so I don't think we need to spend money now on a wheel barrow. The barrow he was using was from 1954, and it belonged to my late grandfather Hymie.

The girl never showed up for her 3pm apointment, and so this time I had her phone number, so I called her to find out where she was. She was still at home, and I was NOT waiting for her boyfriend to pick her up - which she wasn't even sure what time that would be, so I told her she'd have to reschedule. She's supposed to be coming tomorrow night, so we'll see if I get stood up again. I am really stressed about showing the apartment, so I want to find tenants - like yesterday. I am sooo annoyed still that my current tenants can't stay, it's really rediculous.

But, now, I worry that I will not find tenants. Or good tenants anyhow!

Dinner tonight at my parents house was nice, I had a cheese burger (which seems to be my craving at this time). I've had one Friday night, Saturday for lunch and as well today. It was ALL I was craving in Vegas.... very odd craving.

I gave my brother's girlfriend her birthday present, as Wednesday is her 24th birthday. I got her a book (which seemed really cute), 2 candles, a cute little purse, a picture frame and some bath & body stuff that was all "pink" (it's her favourite colour as well).

Speaking of birthdays, I'm a little freaked out about turning 25 next month.

I'm going to try to get to bed EARLY every night, and get a lot of sleep, and try to take as many naps as possible. It's very important that I'm well rested.

I am still trying to get used to the idea that I'm pregnant. If it's not the frequent visits to the bathroom that will do it - I'm not sure what will!

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